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Saturday 2 March 2019

Monday 3rd March 1919

Billets at Montecchia di Crosara

Ptes. Ernest Portman (see 25th February) and Richard Henry Wedgbury (see 24th February) were posted back to England for demobilization. Portman would be demobilized from Chiseldon and Wedgbury from Clipstone.

Capt. Sydney Charles Ernest Farrance (see 25th February 1918), serving with the Indian Army, was confirmed in his rank whilst commanding a squadron of the 5th Cavalry.

Pte. Harold Deighton (see 4th January), who had been in England on leave since December 1918 and had been instructed to resume his former employment, was formally struck off the strength of 10DWR.

Ptes. Harold Frost MM (see 16th August 1917), Arthur Newton (see 17th January) and John Starling (see 3rd February) were officially transferred to the Army Reserve Class Z.

Pte. John Sheridan (see 4th May 1917), who had been serving with 2DWR, was also officially transferred to the Army Reserve Class Z.

Pte. John Mendon Hall (see 10th July 1916) was also officially transferred to the Army Reserve Class Z; since having suffered from shellshock in July 1916 he had been transferred to 9DWR. In the absence of a surviving service record I am unable to establish any details of his service.

Mrs. Agnes Percival, mother of Pte. James Percival (see 24th January), wrote to the Infantry Records Office in York regarding her son,

“Might I trouble you in regards enclosed copy of report of my son, Pte. J. Percival, 25915, 10th Duke of Wellington’s, winning the Military Medal which I received from you. My son was demobilized on 26th December and in due course receiving his demobilized paper with ‘medals – nil’ on it he at once returned it with letter and copy as enclosed. He has also written four letters, receiving no acknowledgement for any. He is without papers should he be stopped at any time. Might I trouble you to make enquiries as regards same or could you refer me where to send if you are unable to do so.” The Records Office would reply four days later, informing Mrs. Percival that, “I beg to inform you that we have the Army Form Z21 which we were unable to complete owing the award not being published in the London Gazette.  Having recently obtained the date of the London Gazette, we are now able to hand you herewith, the amended form, and will forward your son’s medal as soon as same is released by the War Office, which will possibly be in the course of a few days. Apologizing for the delay caused”.

A payment of £9 10s. 7d. was authorised, being the amount due in pay and allowances to the late Sgt. Albert Hurford MM (see 24th October 1918), who had been killed in action in October 1918 while serving with 1st Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment; the payment would go to his widow, Ida.
A payment of £6 3s. 4d. was authorised, being the amount due in pay and allowances to the late Pte. Milton Sutcliffe (see 27th October 1918), who had been killed in action on 27th October 1918; the payment would go to his widow, Agnes.

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