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Thursday, 1 December 2016

Saturday 2nd December 1916

Front line trenches near Zouave Wood (I.18.a.5.7. to I.18.c.4.7)

Another quiet day with the weather again misty. Work on trenches and wire continued.

2Lt. Bob Perks, DSO (see 15th November), serving with 3DWR at North Shields, went on leave to his parents home at Hebden, near Skipton. He clearly anticipated that he might shortly return to active service as, in his telegram to his parents, he referred to this as “final leave”.
(I am greatly indebted to Janet Hudson for her kind permission to quote from Bob Perks’ correspondence).
2Lt. Bob Perks DSO
Image by kind permission of Janet Hudson

Cpl. Christopher John Kelly (see 26th August), who had been discharged from 2nd Scottish General Hospital, Edinburgh three months earlier, was now declared fit for home service. He was posted to 3DWR at North Shields and immediately attached to 83rd Training Reserve Battalion in nearby Gateshead.

Pte. Arthur Clarke (see 29th July), who had been in hospital for four months having suffered wounds to his leg and thigh on 29th July, was discharged from the Lord Derby War Hospital in Warrington; he would have ten days’ leave before reporting to Northern Command Depot at Ripon.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Ann Gaunt, mother of Acting Sgt. William Edmondson Gaunt (see 1st December), was conducted at Thornton-in-Craven Parish Church.

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