Thursday 19 March 2015

Saturday 20th March 1915

L.Cpl. Arthur Edward Hunt (see 5th March) was promoted Corporal.

Three members of Tunstill’s Company were posted to join 3rd Battalion West Ridings. They were Lance Corporal Frederick Griggs (see 12th December 1914) and Ptes. Walter White (see 3rd February) and Walter Shackleton.

Walter Shackleton was one of a number of volunteers from Burley-in-Wharfedale who had become ‘adopted’ members of Tunstill’s Company in September 1914. He was 28 yeas old and had married Susannah Mounsey in October 1910; their first child, Winifred, had been born in 1913. Walter worked as a fitter in a local printing works.

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